July 2018 Update - Exodus Lending - Exodus Lending

July 2018 Update

By Kaitlyn Szabo January 8, 2019

Exodus Lending is Hiring!

Exodus Lending is looking for someone who is passionate about helping people get out from under the payday loan debt trap. We’re looking to hire a program coordinator to manage and take part in all participant-facing activities of the organization, including outreach, enrollment, and participant engagement.

Review the full job description to learn more. Applications are due by July 23rd.


Star Tribune Article

Last week, the Star Tribune covered regulatory changes happening at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), specifically focusing on the agency’s hesitation around payday lending reform. Our work at Exodus Lending was highlighted in the piece, including powerful testimony from one of our program participants, Lerlyn, as she described life in the payday loan debt trap.

“People are getting robbed paying these loans. You are always playing catch-up because of interest and fees.”

Read the Strib article to learn more about the latest CFPB actions – or perhaps inaction – around payday lending reform, plus quotes from our executive director, Sara Nelson-Pallmeyer, and more from Lerlyn.