Sonia Palmer - Exodus Lending - Exodus Lending

Sonia Palmer

By anika March 20, 2020

Sonia Palmer

Joined the Board of Directors in 2020

Hailing from Eagan and St Paul, today I live north of the metro in the Chisago Lakes Area with my husband of 21 years, teenage son and sweet dog. I enjoy kayaking, poker and card games, camping, genealogy, and spending time with my very loud family.

With 25 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, 19 of those years have been spent in advancement operations. My work has been primarily in metro-based organizations focused on youth development, domestic abuse and the environment. Today I work for Family Pathways which is focused on food security and essential services in the rural area.   

I wasn’t aware that Exodus Lending existed until I purposely sought out an organization to invest my time in for Board service. I had known that payday loans were at a best a bad concept – at worst, predatory. But I was inspired to learn that Exodus Lending not only was working on advocacy but helping vulnerable families out of the debt trap. I wanted to make a meaningful contribution to advancing this mission.

Who is one person who inspires you and why?

I find inspiration in reflecting upon women (named and unnamed) who have endured and persisted despite unimaginable challenges…freedom seekers, pioneers, and suffragists.