Save the Date — June 22nd!
Start your summer off right by celebrating the work of Exodus Lending. More details will be coming, but plan on joining us at Du Nord Craft Spirits, 2610 East 32nd Street, in Minneapolis, from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. We’ll have music, food, conversation, an update on what we’ve been up to and provide an opportunity for you to support our work. Ticket information and registration details will be coming soon so stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you and your friends there!
We are very pleased to announce that Exodus Lending has received a $10,000 grant from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet & Consociates (CSJ) Partners in Justice Fund! Our program of freeing persons–no matter who they are–from the payday loan debt trap fits in well with the CSJ philosophy of “moving always toward profound love of God and love of neighbor without distinction.” We are thrilled to partner with such a strong and vibrant group of justice-seekers who put their faith into action.
Looking for a great opportunity?
Exodus Lending is still looking for an Americorps VISTA volunteer to help us grow and serve many more Minnesotans trapped in payday loan debt. The VISTA worker will help us in spreading the word and raising awareness of the problem of payday loans and how Exodus Lending can help individuals who are trapped by these loans break free and start to save for the future. Find out more details here and spread the word!